This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival hosted by Authentic Parenting. This month our participants are sharing how they actively influence their children's body awareness and how they experience their own! Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
Gonna jump right in... toilet humor abounds. Whether its the husband or the teen or the preschooler... I think everyone gets a little toilet humor in their lives. Bodily functions can be funny.
So many people aren't truly aware of their bodies, though. How do you teach that? It isn't as if you can teach your daughter to recognize mittelschmerz unless she already feels it and mentions it. I have an idea of a good start:
We don't call anyone's "parts" by funny names. There are no hoohas, tatas, weeners, wee-wees or bajingos. Picture this: a young woman goes to see the doctor because she's experiencing pain in her vagina or her vulva itches. The woman that says "my hooha hurts" or "I'm itchy down there" is not going to be as well-heard or likely treated with the same respect as the person that can use the technical terms for her body parts. She is also more likely to understand a diagnosis if she knows the names of her parts.
My babies take after me, they're nudists. It probably helps that I give them as much naked time as I can manage (which is a LOT these days). Nudity is not always comfortable for everyone and we have to respect that, too. For instance, little kids like to slide down legs like they're on a playground. But no one wants a preschooler's vulva rubbing down their leg, its gross. So we tell her, in real words, that we don't want her vulva rubbing against us and that she can play that game if she puts on some panties.
I know Spencer doesn't understand the word penis or breast yet, but he will. And using the proper terms for his body parts (and mine) helps Sasha know them, too. Hopefully I'm giving all of my kids a head start on body awareness and body autonomy by giving them the proper vocabulary for all of their parts and being open to mention or discuss them - whether its toilet humor or a health issue.
What's your take on kids, body parts, and vocabulary?

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
Skin Color and the Mixed Race Child - As a mother of a mixed race child whose skin tone falls between her mother and father’s, Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama tackles the tough question of “is my skin light or dark mama?” You can also find Hybrid Rasta Mama on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Know Your Body - Momma Jorje shares one way she encourages body awareness and autonomy in her children. You can also follow Momma Jorje on Facebook.
Fat is Just a Word - Laura tries to actively debunk the negative connotations of the word 'fat' after a shocking discovery, on Authentic Parenting. You can also find Authentic Parenting on Facebook and Twitter.
Your Body is Beautiful Now - Lauren at Hobo Mama offers your body a love poem. You can also find Hobo Mama on Facebook and Twitter.
Does Your Daughter Feel Beautiful - DeAnna L’am of Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women and Girls writes about how Moms can model self acceptance and a strong body image for their daughters.
6 Ways for Children to Learn about Their Body - Ariadne is sharing calming yoga games, art activities and other wonderful ways for children to learn about their body over at the Positive Parenting Connection. You can also find more peaceful, positive parenting ideas and resources on the Positive Parenting Connection community Facebook page.