Welcome to the November 2014 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Indoor Play This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have shared ideas and inspiration to keep families happy and healthy while cooped up indoors.
On cold but sunny afternoons, I think some outdoor play is still awesome! We need some sunshine when / if we can snag it. Sometimes, though, you really are stuck inside. It doesn't take too long for that to get old
real quick, especially in smaller shared spaces. I have a couple of plans of attack up my sleeve for days when we're getting sick of each other.
First, toy and game rotation. I keep some toys back. I generally rotate bins close to the first of each month, but sometimes I'll whip out something "new" when we're driving each other crazy. Sometimes I inspire the kids to play with an old toy in a new way. Or we check out the games closet. We don't get stuff out of there nearly often enough!
The second big thing we do is allow a bit of craziness indoors. This isn't limited to being stuck inside, but I think it helps during those times. I let my kids do somersaults on the couch or climb all the way up the back of it and drop back down. They run across our small living room and crash into the couch. They might even be allowed to jump on my bed! <gasp> Being able to use up some of their energy in a rambunctious way just seems like a logical fix.
Every once in a while, we also just sit and search for images of whatever Sasha wants to see. Its usually different types of animals. I'll search and then we'll scroll through several pages of images before moving on to a new one.

Code Name: Mama and
Hobo Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!
Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
(This list will be updated by afternoon August 12 with all the carnival links.)
- Congestion Be Gone Shower Vapor Discs — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama shares a fun way to beat the indoor blues while creating something useful at the same time! Come learn how Jennifer and her daughter created congestion relief discs so you too can get creative in the kitchen. It makes a fun science experiment too!
- Indoor Fun: Dads and Moms Who Listen Prevent Cabin Fever — Laurie Hollman Ph.D. at Parental Intelligence reminds us that even with all the best planning for indoor fun, it's helpful to have creative tips that forestall daytime upsets and build parent-child bonds.
- Outside? What's that?: 13 Boredom Busters for 13 Weeks of Winter — Joining us from rural Ontario, where she is no stranger to massive amounts of snow and frigid temperatures, Leslie at Eat Your Peas shares 13 Boredom Busters to get you through the 13 weeks of winter.
- Where to get the wiggles out in bad weather — Lauren at Hobo Mama offers indoor places to escape to when kids need to run and shout away from the rain and snow.