Friday, June 28, 2013

First Dreadiversary!

June 21st is a big day! It is the first [official] day of Summer! This year it was the 2nd anniversary of my mother's death. And... it was the 1st anniversary of dreading my hair. Its been an interesting year.

Image short description
My Very First Dreadlock

Honestly, my focus on my dreadlocks has been a nice distraction from sadness over my mom. And I've learned so much over the last year! My dreadlocks were originally backcombed. We used wax at the time. Since then I stopped using wax at the request of a "loctician." I've had my dreads professionally maintained once. I've gotten a tool to do some upkeep myself. Mostly, I've learned that dreadlocks are more work than I thought they would be. I've also learned that people LIKE dreadlocks! I get compliments, comments and questions all the time! I still love my 64 60 dreads!

So I was faced with a question... how did I want to commemorate my "dreadiversary?" I asked some other dready mommas online for ideas and couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it myself: a bead!

On my Dreadiversary, I actually got to go to the Bead Merchant all by myself! (I almost never leave home without Spencer.) I browsed around and told the owner what I was seeking. She looked around and helped me find a dish of handmade zodiac beads... they didn't have every zodiac left, but they had mine: Pisces. It felt like fate!

Momma Jorje: First Dreadiversary Bead
Handmade Bead $9 or so

I did look some more, in case anything else spoke to me even more than this bead. Then I found a bead that resembled one I'd been wanting! Specifically, it is metal with spaces that are bare so you can see through the bead to the hair. I love these on dreads!

Momma Jorje: First Dreadiversary Bonus Bead
I don't think this one was handmade, it was only about 90¢.
I clearly need to clean up this lock, though!

The first bead is my official commemorative bead. The second was just bonus. I also wear 7 other beads in my locks. Have you done things to commemorate unusual anniversaries? You can find all of my dreadlock posts here or see posts about my mom by searching my blog for Gran.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer with NPN Volunteers

I am proud and honored to be volunteer with the Natural Parents Network (NPN), a community of natural-minded parents and parents-to-be where you will be informed, empowered, and inspired. When you visit the NPN’s website you can find articles and posts about Activism, Balance, Consistent Care, Ecological Responsibility, Family Safety, Feeding With Love, Gentle Discipline, Healthy Living, Holistic Health, Natural Learning, Nurturing Touch, Parenting Philosophies, Practical Home Help, Preparing for Parenting, Responding With Sensitivity, Safe Sleep, and so much more!

The volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to make NPN the outstanding resource it is also spend countless hours informing and inspiring others on their personal blogs.

The Spirit of Summer with a Round Up of Posts from the Natural Parents Network VolunteersThis month, the Natural Parents’ Network Volunteers are sharing posts that are in the spirit of Summer! The posts shared here are wide and varied in topics but all encompass that which symbolizes Summer; slowing down, relaxing, rejuvenation, reconnecting, enjoying nature, regrouping, travel, fun and adventure, health and vitality, and simplicity.

You will read posts that address summer fun – activities for children, travel, seasonal traditions, and the like. Other posts discuss the importance of slowing down, reconnecting with your family after the end of a busy school year, getting out into nature, and plain old relaxation. Our volunteers are also sharing posts related to gardening, healthy living, and healthy eating. Plus there is everything in between.

We hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as we enjoyed writing them. We are always looking for new volunteers so please, contact us if you are interested. Just a few hours per month can help other mamas in a huge way!

Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama shares 50 Ways to Explore and Connect to Nature With Your Children. This list of ideas will definitely get you outside, enjoying the warm summer days together as a family!  You can also find Jennifer on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Momma Jorje: a slightly crunchy momma
Momma Jorje
offers dehydration warning signs to help prepare you for Summer outings with your littles and advice on keeping your children hydrated. You can also find Momma Jorje on Facebook and Twitter.

A Little Bit of All of It
Julia at A Little Bit of All of It shares 10 ways to stay cool this summer while having fun with your kids. You can also find A Little Bit of All of It on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Farmer's Daughter and her Country Boys
visit fields of sunflowers, meet some cows and enjoy farm fresh ice cream for a great cause in Sunflowers for Wishes. Keep up with their adventures on Facebook and Twitter.

Lyndsay of ourfeministplayschool, shares her family's secret urban summer escape in Tourist in Our Own City. You can also find Lyndsay on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Visit Code Name: MamaIt's time for fresh, local produce - do you know how to get the best deals when you go to the farmer's market? Dionna from Code Name: Mama got all of the insider secrets from her local farmers to bring you 9 Insider Tips for Farmer's Market Newbies. See if you can't score more the next time you visit!

It’s easy to get caught up in fun summer activities, but often the most memorable summers are filled with the simple activities. Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children shares some of her favorite summer activities with her children. Be inspired to take it easy and share fun and yet easy memories with your children this summer!
Angela from Earth Mama's World shares her recipe for Homemade Natural Sunburn Relief Spray. Angela and her family live at the beach so this spray gets a bunch of use during the summer! You can find Angela on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Visit African Babies Don't CryTraveling this summer? Be sure to check out Christine from African Babies Don't Cry's post, Healthy Travel Snack Ideas for Toddlers [Vegetarian, plus sugar, gluten & dairy free ideas]! You can also find African Babies Don't Cry on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

They Are All of MeDestany from They Are All of Me sat down with her kids one day and they brainstormed a list of 50 ways they could entertain themselves during their summer vacation. You can find Destany on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Monday, June 24, 2013

So... here's the deal

Before Solavei was even 1 month old, I enrolled (in October 2012) for mobile service. Solavei uses T-Mobile towers, which I was already using, so my service quality didn't change at all. I was finally able to have a data plan, though, because it is all included with Solavei. I'd never had data before because I couldn't justify the added expense.

Solavei rewards you for referring people, so I immediately sent info to a lot of people. There wasn't immediate interest and I kind of gave up for a while. I'm laying it all out here for you honestly, friends. There were another 1 or 2 times that I tried to spread the word and got discouraged. I do believe in Solavei, I just didn't have the determination at the time.

Solavei is powered by relationships and that finally set in with me. And people I contacted a while back have started to come to me about Solavei as their contracts with their mobile service carriers near their end.

Other than running an ad in my sidebar, I haven't mentioned Solavei in my blog because I didn't want to come across as "spammy." But the thing is, Solavei really does offer a good deal that can save money for a lot of people! Even if people don't want to spread the word or try to "work it," money can be saved! Check out this blogger's review. (Just remember to come back to my page!) You can also read about Solavei on engadget, The Dallas Morning News, Fierce Wireless, c|net, NBC News and more!

How much are you paying for mobile service? Would you be interested in getting unlimited talk, text and data service on nationwide 4G for just $49? How about free? That's right, free. That's what I'm working toward. July 12th will be my first [monthly] pay day! So far, its dropping my phone bill to $29. That's pretty exciting to me.

I don't want to write you off just because you enjoy my blog. I won't post about Solavei all the time, either. This is, first and foremost, a parenting blog. Solavei is a part of our lives, though, and something I'm doing to help support my family.

Solavei Summer Cash Splash Deal!

If you're interested in more information, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me through one of my sites: Solavei or Jorje's Network. I'd be glad to help you determine signal strength in your area, phone compatibility, new phone, etc. Enroll this week and get $50 cash back! Click the banner above for more info!

The next time I post about Solavei will be the beginning of my success story!

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Mostly Typical Week in Therapy...

I don't like to book Spencer for more than one appointment of any kind back-to-back. I try to only do one per day, but sometimes we have to do one morning and one afternoon. A lot of people book their therapy appointments together to save on trips, but at Spencer's age I don't feel its the best choice for him. If we catch a bad (missed) nap day, then he'd have two workouts to get through. This is our week in therapy last week:

Momma Jorje: Speech Therapy with Z Vibe
We do Speech Therapy for 30 minutes every Tuesday with Jordan. Last week we got to try the Z Vibe for stimulation. Spencer loved it. Every time she touched his face with it, he looked like he wanted to go right to sleep! I'm not sure it encouraged any talking yet. She also does lemon swabs with him.

We work on getting Spencer to say all the basic sounds. (M B P D T) We also do signs and work on communicating to do different things with toys. (He just started putting the rings back onto the tower when told.)

Momma Jorje: Occupational Therapy Nap
We just started going to Occupational Therapy for 45 minutes on Wednesdays. This was our second session with Shelia. Spencer was totally zonked out when we arrived! He never naps this hard. Still, clacking some blocks together got him awake and ready to play!

We'll be working on getting Spencer to help with dressing and undressing, feeding himself and reduce his face sensitivity.

Momma Jorje: Physical Therapy
We see Rachel for 30 minutes of Physical Therapy once per month, mid-month. It was on Thursday last week. Yes, we went to the same therapy place for three days in a row. Spencer was a rock star at PT this month!

We focus on getting Spencer to crawl on his knees rather that his bear crawl. He is already starting to walk with his knees turned closer to straight instead of turned out. We're also working on how he goes from sitting to standing and how he squats. His hips are kind of hyper flexible, so his knees and feet turn out pretty far.

Momma Jorje: Sooner Start
April 2013

We also see Kristen, our Child Development Specialist from the Department of Human Services, twice per month. She came on Thursday afternoon. I fill her in on Spencer's progress (health and development). She helps us come up with new ideas of things to do in our home to encourage his healthy development. Having her in our home, she is able to see exactly what we have on-hand. She also brings us items to help sometimes.

Yes, I say "we." I help the therapists. No, I'm not trained. However, 4 hands are better than 2. For example: It is very difficult to blow bubbles and help Spencer to sign for "more" at the same time.

I love our therapy. I like having professionals encourage us both and give us more ideas of things to do at home. As long as I feel it is beneficial, we'll continue. I want to encourage rather than push Spencer. He is doing things on his schedule, no one else's. I want therapy to continue to be a fun thing for him.

We also had Spencer's first dentist visit on Monday and we see our chiropractor every Friday. We have very busy weeks!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mamatography 2013 - Week 24

Day 160 - June 9

Spencer at the Guthrie Green Splash Pad Fountain
Sasha is in the upper right corner, too!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Simply Downstairs

Welcome to the June edition of the Simply Living Blog Carnival - Around the House cohosted by Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children, Laura at Authentic Parenting, Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy, and Joella at Fine and Fair. This month, we write about what we do to keep the little things from overwhelming us. Please check out the links to posts by our other participants at the end of this post.

We were on a waiting list for 9 months before we moved into our two-story home. We would like to have waited for a flat, but were advised that the wait for them is much longer. So... we settled. We have 3 bedrooms upstairs. We decided, however, to keep our closet downstairs. It started because of our weird schedules. My husband leaves for work around 3 o'clock in the morning. This does not lend itself well to picking clothes.

So we actually put both our clothes (and Spencer's) in the downstairs closet. Its a good size closet and it just seemed easier than going upstairs to change, too. Eventually we moved Sasha's clothes down here. Inevitably, we'd find ourselves downstairs mid-day, needing to dress her to go out... but not wanting to climb the stairs to fetch an outfit.

Maybe it is strange to use a big coat closet as a family closet, but you know what? It works for us. Our master bedroom closet is used for storage of things we don't use very often (like holiday decorations).

This makes laundry so much easier! The dirty laundry gets cleaned downstairs. How much clean laundry do you tote back up your stairs? For me its only bath towels and family cloth! Yes, I have a dirty clothes hamper downstairs... I can stash it in a closet or on the washer when I have company here.

Since then, I've taken it another step. I often have to wear Spencer while preparing Sasha for bed. Worse yet, sometimes I have to leave him alone (asleep) downstairs while I take her up to bed. It makes me nervous. Spencer is pretty quiet when he wakes.

When Sasha got a new toothbrush from the dentist, I got an idea! I now keep a toothbrush and floss on the kitchen windowsill. Her hairbrush is also downstairs in a plastic jar full of headbands and "hair doodies." (I always brush and braid her hair before bed.) So now, I do almost all of Sasha's bedtime routine before we ever go up the stairs! It is so simple, why didn't I think of it sooner?
  1. Go potty - yep, have one downstairs.
  2. Brush teeth - see recent post.
  3. Brush hair - the back of the couch is the perfect height!

Then we go up, pick a snuggle for the night, talk about dreams, tuck in and start relaxation CD. It all seems like it gets less battle, too! Living simply for the win!

How have you taken unusual measures to simplify your life?

Thank you for visiting the Simply Living Blog Carnival cohosted by Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children, Laura at Authentic Parenting, Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy, and Joella at Fine and Fair. Read about how others are incorporating simple ideas around their homes. We hope you will join us next month!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Dental Hygiene

I used to pretend to brush my teeth while a timer counted down 3 minutes. I suck at dental hygiene with my babies. I sucked at it with Sasha until I set up a solid bedtime routine. I would let Sasha brush her own teeth, but most nights I insisted having a turn as well.

We've done well with dental checkups. At our last check up, our dentist gave us some specific advice on how to clean her teeth. The part that seemed so different to me is that we should use a dry brush. We also used the angle he did. See, Sasha sat in Daddy's lap and then leaned back into the dentist's lap. Spencer's dentist did the same thing, though they had a padded thing for him to lie on.

Momma Jorje: Preschooler Toothbrushing

Weird? I've found it is so much easier to see her teeth! And its easier to keep her attention! The actual brushing is less of a battle once I get her on the floor, too. Sometimes Spencer can peek over my shoulder at her, too. Not only that...

Momma Jorje: Preschooler Flossing

Its easy for flossing, too! If you haven't tried it, you'll be amazed by how much easier it is to see all of those teeth! Now if I could get better at doing this more than once per day...

How do you do dental hygiene with your kids?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mamatography 2013 - Week 23

Day 153 - June 2

Sasha and Spencer Napping Together
I moved my garden this day, but this photo is a much more rare shot!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Theory to Reality?

Welcome to the June 2013 Carnival of Natural Parenting:

Parenting in Theory vs. in Reality

This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants are sharing how their ideas and methods of parenting have changed.


I made promises to the ether as a kid and even got specific ideas regarding parenting in my head as I became an adult. I like to think I've held true to my own ideals, regardless of what others (especially family members) might have said or thought of my parenting.

Jorje (about 15yo) bakes with a friend.

  • Let my kids eat batter... check!
  • Be honest with kids about previous drug use... check!
  • Answer sex questions honestly, without adding extra embarrassment... check!
  • Don't limit language (cursing, when used in proper context)... check!
  • Let my kids taste alcohol at home so they're not tempted to do so elsewhere... check!

I have, however, had a harder time since having Sasha (my #3). She is my most strong-willed child (thus far). I don't want to explode, but sometimes I do. I don't want to punish, but sometimes I feel like the "options" I offer include a punishment.

AFFILIATE LINK: Your Three-Year-Old; Friend or EnemyAFFILIATE LINK: Your Three-Year-Old; Friend or EnemyI'm trying to research and gain a better understanding of my 3½ year old and how to take a gentle approach. (See affiliate link / book suggestion to the right.) We feel pretty lost much of the time. I was lost for awhile with my teenager, too (she is a special case), but I think we're doing pretty well now there.

How has your parenting style differed from what you expected?


Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: MamaVisit Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:

  • My little gastronomes — "I'll never cook a separate meal for my children," Maud at Awfully Chipper vowed before she had children; but things didn't turn out quite as she'd imagined.
  • Know Better, Do Better. Except When I Don't. — Jennifer from True Confessions of a Real Mommy was able to settle in her parenting choices before her children arrived, but that doesn't mean she always lives up to them.
  • Judgments Made Before Motherhood — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama looks back on her views of parents she came in contact with before she became a mother and how much her worldview of parenting has changed!
  • A Bend in The Road — Lyndsay at ourfeministplayschool writes about how her visions of homeschooling her son during the elementary school years have changed drastically in the last year - because HE wants to go to school.
  • I Wish Children Came with Instruction Manuals — While Dionna at Code Name: Mama loves reading about parenting, she's not found any one book that counts as an instruction manual. Every child is different, every family is different, every dynamic is different. No single parenting method or style is the be-all end-all. Still, wouldn't it be nice if parenting were like troubleshooting?
  • The Mistakes I've Made — Kate at Here Now Brown Cow laments the choices she made with her first child and explains how ditching her preconceived ideas on parenting is helping her to grow a happy family.
  • I Only Expected to Love... — Kellie at Our Mindful Life went into parenting expecting to not have all the answers. It turns out, she was right!
  • They See Me Wearin', They Hatin' — Erin Yuki at And Now, for Something Completely Different contemplates putting her babywearing aspirations into practice, and discussed how she deals with "babywearing haters."
  • Parenting Human BeingsErika Gebhardt lists her parenting "mistakes," and the one concept that has revolutionized her parenting.
  • Doing it right: what I knew before I had kids... — Lucy at Dreaming Aloud, guest posting at Natural Parents Network realises that the number one game in town, when it comes to parenting, is judgement about doing it right. But "doing it right" looks different to everybody.
  • The Great Breastfeeding Debacle — In Lisa at The Squishable Baby's mind, breastfeeding would be easy.
  • A synopsis of our reality as first time parents — Amanda at My Life in a Nut Shell summarizes the struggles she went through to get pregnant, and how her daughter's high needs paved the way for her and her husband to become natural parents.
  • Theory to Reality? — Jorje compares her original pre-kid ideas (some from her own childhood) to her personal parenting realities on
  • The Princess Paradigm — Laura at Pug in the Kitchen had planned to raise her daughter in a sparkly, princess-free home, but in turn has found herself embracing the glitz.
  • Healthy Eating With Kids: Ideal vs. Real — Christy at Eco Journey In The Burbs had definite ideas about what healthy eating was going to look like in her family before she had kids. Little did she realize that her kids would have something to say about it.

Monday, June 10, 2013

eBundle Sale Ends Today!

The Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale ends TODAY!!!! This is your LAST CHANCE to get 22 quality parenting e-products for only $24.95 USD! Be quick to get your copy of this bundle!

Check out all the products included in this bundle:

Attachment Parenting International Teleseminar

Attachment Parenting isn’t new. In many ways, it is a return to the instinctual behaviors of our ancestors. In the last sixty years, the behaviors of attachment have been studied extensively by psychology and child development researchers, and more recently, by researchers studying the brain. This body of knowledge offers strong support for areas that are key to the optimal development of children, summarized in API’s Eight Principles of Parenting. Enjoy the exchange among the world’s leading experts in AP discussing API’s 8 Principles of Parenting, listen to their responses to questions of our time, and hear their answers to questions from the audience. $38 value

Panel experts include:

  • Dr. William Sears
  • Martha Sears
  • Dr. James McKenna
  • Ina May Gaskin
  • Dr. Isabelle Fox
  • Mary Ann Cahill
  • Barbara Nicholson
  • Lysa Parker

Relaxation Meditation (audio) — Amy Phoenix — lifetime access!!

Relaxation Meditation helps you access inner awareness and resolve, cultivating the space for true, lasting transformation. Relax into parenting as you enhance your relationship with yourself, your child, and life at the same time. $50 value

Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting — Becky Eanes

The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting is an introduction to the philosophy of positive parenting.

It addresses what positive parenting is, and what it is not (permissive parenting). It discusses how to change your mindset from the traditional paradigm of control and fear to the positive parenting paradigm of connection and love. It gives you teaching tools and discusses the differences between consequences, punishments, and problem-solving. Finally, it goes over enforcing limits without punishments and 10 alternatives to punishments as well as 10 things that are more important than discipline.

This eBook will give you clarity on positive parenting and offer you tools and skills that will strengthen your relationship with your child while teaching values and instilling the self-discipline that will benefit your child for a lifetime. The Newbie's Guide to Positive Parenting provides several scenarios so you can see how positive parenting principles are applied in everyday situations. $1.99 value

Play Grow Learn — Christie Burnett

Bursting with ideas for playing inside and outside, with activities for moving, talking, cooking, creating, thinking, singing, imagining and constructing, Play Grow Learn is a downloadable e-zine that provides both inspiration and information for parents and educators of children from birth to 5 years.

Issue 3 includes over 100 playful activities including play suggestions for toddlers, an outdoor math hunt, ideas for exploring science in the kitchen, woodwork activities perfect for kids, an exclusive full colour set of printable puppets to get you singing with your kids PLUS art projects, book reviews, toy suggestions, playful parenting ideas, tips for making pack away time fun…and more! $4 value


Getting Back on Track! – Why We Explode and What We Can Do About It (audio) — Genevieve Simperingham

Listen to this audio to gain lots of insights into the tendency to meltdown, why it happens, how to see it coming and what to do instead of yelling or otherwise acting from a place of overwhelm and frustration. You’ll gain reassurance that it’s much more common than you thought, that it’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility. You’ll learn that there are psychological triggers going back to childhood at the core of your tendency to lose your cool. And most importantly you’ll gain lots of great tips and strategies from Genevieve and Patty that will make it so much easier to be the peaceful parent that you know that you really can be. $7.58 value

Stress Relief for Parents — Genevieve Simperingham

When you're at your wits end and need to rest and recuperate, this CD is a fantastic resource ~ Grab yourself fifteen minutes or so, choose your track and let Genevieve’s calming voice and supportive words guide you back to your self … back to your centre … back to balance … back to you at your best … back to peaceful parenting!

The track “Bliss” takes the listener through a 15 minute deep body relaxation. Genevieve’s soft Irish lilt backed by the celtic harp offers a soothing balm to their feelings and played at night next to their bed will ease their transition into a deep and restful sleep. Other tracks offer guided exercises that guide and teach the listener to centre and return to a calm balanced state and a warm connection with their child. $4.05 value

Creative Play Workshop (email course) — Gina Kimmel and Katherine Lockett

Connecting Family through Creative
was born out of the everyday conversations of two stay-at-home Moms (with children under the age of 5) looking to find learning opportunities for their children, imaginative ways for them to explore art and media, novel ideas for play, ways to connect with them on a deeper level throughout the day, and the list goes on and on.

This e-Workshop will be a way that we can continue that conversation with you. One of the moms will be Gina from Connecting Family and Seoul, and the other is her dear blogging friend, Kat, from Creative Playhouse.

Both Kat and Gina will be working alongside of you during this 30-day creative play journey, which hopefully will continue on long after the workshop ends. $25 value

Mindset for Moms — Jamie Martin

Mindset for Moms: From Mundane to Marvelous Thinking in Just 30 Days is a guide for better thinking and increased happiness in parenting and in life. Lessons about positivity that took Jamie years to learn, you can learn in days–30 days, to be exact.

She’s consolidated the concepts in this e-book into short entries–perfect for busy moms to read and apply for immediate results. $4.99 value


Moods of Motherhood — Lucy Pearce

A compilation of her best-loved posts on motherhood from her popular blog, Dreaming Aloud, columns from JUNO magazine and many new pieces, never before published. According to one reader, “This book puts the mother, back in motherhood”. “It is no ordinary parenting book” but full of her trademark searing honesty and raw emotions. It will make you laugh, cry and feel deeply accepted – wherever on your mothering journey you may be.

Topics include: pregnancy and birth, happy days, anger and fierceness, sleep, playfulness, grief, love, patience, tenderness, homemaking… it is illustrated throughout with beautiful black and white photographs. $4.99 value

42 Rules for Divorcing with Children – Doing it With Dignity and Grace While Raising Happy, Healthy, Well-Adjusted Children — Melinda Roberts

42 Rules for Divorcing With Children offers practical ways to manage a healthy divorce, build a better team in two houses, minimize stress and anxiety on all fronts, and construct relationships with open and consistent communication. In this book you will learn:

  • What putting the children first really means.
  • How to preserve marital assets for you and your children.
  • How to set reasonable ground rules for the divorce and going forward.
  • How to set a respectful communication example so that you can divorce with dignity.

Use this book as objective advice, refer to it often, share it with others, use it as a reality check, and realize that divorce is not linear and that damage is not permanent or irreparable. If you do this well, the other parent will always be in your life. Find a way to make that tolerable for everyone, because no matter where you go or what you do, your children are tethered to both of you in an incredibly delicate and important way. Learn to accommodate each other as a gift to your children while they grow. Share others’ success stories for simple, practical advice and insights. See how taking care of yourself will help you take care of your family and prevent divorce remorse and divided loyalties. Set good examples that will help them make their own relationship choices wisely by drawing on your positive experience. And for you, know that someday, somewhere, you will almost certainly find a partner with whom you can have a mutually respectful, loving, and responsible relationship. $19.99 value

Nurturing Creativity, Guide for Busy Moms — Renee Tougas

Nurturing Creativity: A Guide for Busy Moms is a book to help you grow creatively.Nurturing Creativity is about embracing the seasons of motherhood and appreciating where you are while helping you to make creativity a priority in your life.

It will encourage you to let go of perfection, to start small, and to find inspiration in everyday living. This little book will challenge you to make the most of the time you do have. Time you can spend creating beauty and meaning – with your head, heart, and hands. $3 value

The Playful Family — Shawn Ledington Fink

The Playful Family encourages and challenges busy parents to slow down and spend quality time together with their children, regardless of their age. With nearly 100 ways to connect, engage and play together this easy-to-read e-book is a must-have resource for any parent interested in becoming more playful and happy while raising children. Each chapter includes dozens of ideas as well as a challenge to motivate families to put their own ideas to work in real life. $4.99 value

Poetry of a Hobo Mama, The First Three Years — Lauren Wayne

Poetry of a Hobo Mama contains three years’ worth of parenting poetry, written from the time Lauren and her husband, Sam, were preparing for Mikko, through watching him grow to three years old. She has included poems that speak of their natural parenting journey — breastfeeding, the family bed, elimination communication, and natural birth among them.

The book is a combination of free verse and more traditional poetry forms, and the topics and tone run through all the variations the poet felt when writing them: the grief of miscarriage, the anticipation of trying to conceive, the upheaval of the newborn months, the joy of parenting, and the balance of motherhood and personal passion. $9.37 value

Parenting for Social Change — Teresa Graham Brett

Parenting for Social Change: Transform Childhood, Transform the World (Social Change Press) is a powerful parenting book that isn’t about children, but about the harmful cultural messages we, as parents, perpetuate in our relationships with children. It addresses the work we as parents must do to free ourselves, the children who share our lives, and our world from those harmful messages.

The author, Teresa Graham Brett, uses current social science research to debunk the myth that controlling children is necessary to ensure they grow up to be healthy and responsible adults. She demonstrates how changing our parent-child relationships plays a critical role in creating social change. More importantly, it gives parents strategies and tools for letting go of harmful control of children. $15 value

Encouraging Words for Kids — Kelly Bartlett

Encouraging Words for Kids gives parents over 150 examples of phrases to say that inspire a child’s confidence and self-motivation. Encouragement is about drawing forth a child’s own drive to work hard and do what’s right without being told; this book shows you how to get there. It is a guide that parents can turn to again and again whenever they need a dose of inspiration in creating positive communication with their kids. $3.48 value

Raising a Creative Kid, Simple Strategies for Igniting and Nurturing That Creative Spark — Jillian Riley

Raising a Creative Kid: Simple Strategies for Igniting and Nurturing that Creative Spark is just what you need to transform your environment into a creativity growth center. With creative exercises following each of the sections I have made moving into a creative lifestyle as easy as possible. Just like I do with everything else on, I use and recommend materials that are inexpensive or free. $7.99 value

Children and Food (multimedia workshop) — Tara Wagner

This mini-toolkit helps you recreate the whole family’s experience with food. No more fighting at dinnertime. No more forcing or bribing. No more worrying about your child’s ability to make good choices. You’ll have the tools necessary to begin to release control, lean into Trust, and make mealtime a joyful and fun experience. But it starts with your own relationship with food. $25 value It includes:

  • 72 min audio: Describes the most important principles in raising healthy children and how to begin practicing them (Value: $200)
  • 39 page workbook: Packed full of exercises to help you DIG IN and put new traditions and experiences into place (Value: $40)
  • Covers everything from: how your experience with food affects your children and how to change that, how to meet the varying needs and tastes of the whole family without feeling like a "short order cook," as well as tips, ideas, strategies, recipes, and more from me and other mindful mamas.

Coming Of Age: How To Stop Worrying About "The Talk," and Start Talking With Your Girl! (audio) — DeAnna L’am

  • Remember "The Talk" you received from your Mom, or your school’s nurse?
  • Remember how awkward you felt listening?
  • Wonder how you can do a better job with your girl?

If you would you like to feel relaxed, confident, and at ease when speaking with your girl about becoming a woman - this is for you!

You will experience a sense of CALM and PEACE within yourself; An INNER EASE about the girl YOU once were; A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of what your girl is feeling; SELF-TRUST going into any conversation with your girl; And a growing EASE in your relationship with her.

This downloadable recording will deepen trust between you and your girl, and lay a foundation for lifelong openness between you! $27 value

The Parenting Primer: A Guide to Positive Parenting in the First Six Years — Michelle Carchrae

The Parenting Primer is a guide to the main ideas and strategies used in gentle discipline. It will show you how attachment works to create harmony in families, empowering you to parent in a positive, creative way.

The Parenting Primer begins by looking at how love and limits influence our parenting, then explores other topics that affect our relationships with our children, such as information on brain development or personality, communication skills, lifestyle choices, creativity and self-discipline. $6.99 value

Mommy Overwhelm, A Holistic Approach to Parental Stress and Depression — Laura Schuerwegen

Mommy Overwhelm is a step-stone guide for parents who want to overcome daily overwhelm, stress and depression. In this book, Laura draws from her own experience overcoming a longstanding depression to hand you the tools to heal. From strengthening foods and herbs to exercises and activities, this guide will kickstart your journey to happier, balanced parenting. $2.99 value

What readers say about Mommy Overwhelm:

"I love your sense of urgency on this issue – the way you talk about reaching out and getting the community you deserve. Too many times, women end up doing it all and struggling in silence. So many moms can “keep it together” but that’s not the way to live. They deserve more help and more support."

Unique Parenting Tool: Sleep Talking Set — Marcy Axness

This set includes the Dr. Marcy Audio Coaching Session "Speaking to Your Child's Subconscious" and companion eBooklet, A Unique 7-Step Parenting Tool: Sleep Talking.

Throughout my recent talks all over the world, what were SO many people interested in learning about? After hearing about the power of prenatal imprints, they wanted to know what parents could do when things didn't go so smoothly in pregnancy, birth or around conception. I make it clear that repair & healing are ALWAYS possible at ANY age, and mentioned an somewhat out-of-the-box approach I've developed over my years of coaching parents -- which includes talking to your child in his or her sleep.

They were so keen to learn, that I put together this primer in the power of the subconscious mind -- and how to use it to create healing change. This 75-minute presentation includes a powerful guided imagery to use the power of imagination in making positive changes to parents' own inner lives and childhood history. $13.95 value

Special Bonus Freebie: The Mindful Mothering Challenge — Jennifer Saleem

This 57-page eBook takes mothers through 20 small steps designed to help them become more mindful mothers. Follow along with Jennifer's journey as you begin your own. The Mindful Mothering Challenge will awaken your mothering, push you beyond your comfort zone, and deepen your connection with your children.

With each sale, I earn an affiliate fee on this bundle. Buying this bundle supports my family and all the hard work I put into this blog. Get it NOW!

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