Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mamatography 2013 - Week 43

Day 293 - October 20

We traded vans the day before, but our "new" van broke down on us Sunday. We arrived at the Buddy Walk too late for freebies and even the walk portion. Sasha got to play in the inflatables and we got a team photo. I was very bummed.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

NPN Volunteer Blog Blitz: Books, Books and More Books!

I am proud and honored to be volunteer with the Natural Parents Network (NPN), a community of natural-minded parents and parents-to-be where you will be informed, empowered, and inspired. When you visit the NPN’s website you can find articles and posts about Activism, Balance, Consistent Care, Ecological Responsibility, Family Safety, Feeding With Love, Gentle Discipline, Healthy Living, Holistic Health, Natural Learning, Nurturing Touch, Parenting Philosophies, Practical Home Help, Preparing for Parenting, Responding With Sensitivity, Safe Sleep, and so much more!

The volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to make NPN the outstanding resource it is also spend countless hours informing and inspiring others on their personal blogs.

This month, the Natural Parents’ Network Volunteers are sharing posts that celebrate books and reading! You will read posts that share some of our volunteers’ favorite books and/or books they recommend you read for the sheer joy of reading. Other posts outline recommended reading as it relates to a wide variety of natural parenting topics. You will also find posts which outline favorite children’s books as well as books that inspire learning or have an educational focus. And of course, no reading list would be complete without our volunteers’ favorite cookbooks and health resources!

We hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as we enjoyed writing them. We are always looking for new volunteers so please, contact us if you are interested. Just a few hours per month can help other mamas in a huge way!

Lauren at Hobo Mama shares her review of two anthropologically minded books on motherhood and child rearing: "What Our Babies, Ourselves taught me about my baby & myself," a look into the attachment parenting our babies have been biologically primed to expect in a book by Meredith F. Small, and "Maternal ambivalence … and why it's ok," sort of the darker or more realistic side of attachment parenting based on a reading of Mother Nature, by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy.

Our Babies Our SelvesIn Our Babies, Ourselves, Small writes not just as an anthropologist, wanting to observe and record human behavior and how it relates to our biological and evolutionary roots as mammals, but also from an ethnopediatrics perspective, which seeks to advise us as parents how to integrate babies' innate needs with our culture in an infant-appropriate way. It's one of Lauren's favorite books for giving scientific justification for the benefits and longstanding history and cross-cultural popularity of attachment parenting.

Mother NatureMother Nature, also by an anthropologist, shares experiences of motherhood as witnessed across the world and various cultures, across history and a variety of time periods, and even across species. The text is often dark and disturbing — an unflinching look at how mothers don't always live up to what we've decided (as modern Western humans) is their "nature." While we might aspire to be self-sacrificing and perfectly nurturing, we have to acknowledge this salient truth: What babies need and what mothers need or want can be in conflict. Mothers don't always live up to the ideals of "maternal nature" — and, Lauren would argue in this review, that can be perfectly acceptable.

You can purchase the books from these Amazon affiliate links: Our Babies, Ourselves and Mother Nature. Be sure to follow Lauren on Hobo Mama,, her newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +.

The Hour That Matters MostJulia at A Little Bit of All of It shares her review of The Hour That Matters Most, a book that explains why the family dinner around the table is so important. She loves this book for providing families with the tools they need to get family dinners on the table and get to know your family on a deeper level as well. The book is available from Amazon. You can also find A Little Bit of All of It on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+

The Other Baby BookJulia also shares her review of The Other Baby Book, her absolute favorite baby book. She loves this book for presenting information on how to parent your baby outside of the mainstream and for the gentle, sometimes humorous way it is written. The book is available from Amazon.

I Love MeJoella at Fine and Fair shares her review of I Love Me!, a children's book of Affirmations filled with simple but powerful phrases that help children build self-confidence and shape a positive world view. She loves this book for its simplicity and uplifting messages; it quickly became a favorite both in her home and to give as a gift!

Mama TalkJoella also shares her review of Mama, Talk About Our New Baby, an attachment parenting friendly way to introduce to older siblings-to-be what it will be like to have a new baby in the house. She appreciates the inclusion of breast feeding, baby wearing, and co-sleeping, which she found absent from mainstream "big sister" books. This book was instrumental in preparing her daughter to welcome to her new baby brother into their family and home! Be sure to follow Joella on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and tumblr.

Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a BallMandy at Living Peacefully with Children shares her review on Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball, a picture book by Vicki Churchill and Charles Fuge. The book has been a favorite with all of her children and is one she often gives to other families. While it works for families of all styles, it particularly appeals to attachment parenting families and those exploring the joys of toddlerhood. You can purchase the book from Amazon. Be sure to follow Mandy on her blog, Facebook, and Pinterest.

P.E.T.Mandy also shares her review on Parent Effectiveness Training P.E.T. by r. Thomas Gordon. Styled on non-violent communication, the book is a wonderful guide with effective techniques for communicating with your children and others. It is one of Mandy's favorite, and most recommended, parenting books. You can purchase the book from Amazon.

African Babies Don't Cry : Book Review : Evie’s Kitchen by Shazzie
Christine at African Babies Don't Cry shares her review of Evie's Kitchen by Shazzie, a raw food recipe book aimed at young children and packed with natural parenting tips too. Shazzie is a raw food chef, and nutrition expert, I found her chapter on supplementation especially helpful. If you are wanting to incorporate more raw food into your child's diet then this book is a great resource! You can purchase the book from Amazon or  Detox Your Follow Christine on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.

Christine is also a huge fan of  The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates.  This book is the ultimate reference book if you are looking to correct inTheBodyEcologyDiet_zps4e62b10etestinal flora issues, such as Candida. Donna Gates has been researching on the topic of Candida for years, and I would call her the ultimate expert. The Body Ecology Diet, which is not a diet, but a lifestyle WILL correct your intestinal flora imbalances leaving you symptom free! You can purchase the book from Amazon.

Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama is a research bug, lover of all books, and someone who has a hard time putting a good book down! Today, she shares two of her favorites; Beyond the Rainbow Bridge and a collection of books about...poop.

2359098221_c691bb491bBeyond The Rainbow Bridge, Nurturing Our Children From Birth to Age Seven is a beautiful book by Barbara Patterson and Pamela Bradley. First, it is a very concise book compared to a lot of parenting books. The authors cut right to the chase and get to what really matters without a lot of fluff and fancy philosophical BS. Although their approach to parenting is heavily influenced by the work of Rudolph Steiner, the way that they share information on development, discipline, play, and health is palatable for any parent whether interested in Waldorf or not. There is so much more that I adore about this book and it really has inspired me to retool my mothering ever so slightly. I think that it is a worthwhile read for any mama who wants to create a more harmonious and gentle environment for her child(ren). By implementing many of the techniques offered by the author as well as gaining a better understanding of development and play, an opportunity to better connect with and mindfully engage your child opens up.

Where's The PoopIn the post Books About Poop, for Children and The Adults in Their Lives, Jennifer shares her top 10 books about poop! Come on! You know you are curious. And trust her, these books are all great reads and lots of fun! Who doesn't love poop?

I've reviewed a few books here at Momma Jorje as well. Most recently, I was asked to review Kelle Hampton's book, Bloom, about her life experiences leading up to the birth of her daughter with Down syndrome, the diagnosis and, later, the celebration of life and relationships. Make no mistake, though, his is Kelle's memoir.

You can see my other book reviews in my Book Review post category.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mindful Holidays eBundle

I made nearly all of our Christmas gifts last year. I'd like to do so again this year. I have some general ideas in mind, but nothing specific. I don't have any links saved or anything. This is why I'm excited for the Mindful Holidays eBundle! I think I'll be able to find something for everyone in these "catalogs of ideas."

Mindful Holidays eBundle Sale - 7 inspiring eProducts on sale until November 4!This month, my affiliate partner Mindful Nurturing has teamed up with the Nourished Living Network to bring you the Mindful Holidays eBook Bundle Sale, a collection of 7 inspiring eProducts for the winter season with a total retail value of almost $70! It's on sale now for only $9.97. This bundle is available only until November 4.

In Pioneering Today-A Homemade Christmas, author Melissa K. Norris, shares how to get back to the true meaning of Christmas, tips for homemade baked goods when you’re stretched for time, homemade affordable gifts people will use and like, and how to give the gift of yourself to your loved ones with special planned activities. With over 36 recipes, homemade gift ideas and decor, you’ll experience a simple Christmas with the joy the season was intended.

Bliss Balls for Beginners includes 21 Fabulous recipes that can be made into gifts, lunch box snacks, or treats for guests. They are dairy free, gluten free, and mostly sugar free too, and are easy for adults and children to make using common, healthy, lovely ingredients.

More than a Holiday
is a Christian-based 25 day Family Christmas devotional. It’s designed to help Christian families focus on their real reason for Christmas – the birth of Christ. It is full of family time activities as well as a parent section to understand the history and theological significance of each day.

Have the holidays ever made you feel more stressed than blessed? Expectations and pressure to create the perfect holiday can lead us down a path toward burnout. Author Marie James, who has been there and learned how to restore the joy, shares ten keys to planning more relaxing and enjoyable holiday seasons in her book, Avoiding Holiday Burnout: 10 Keys to a Relaxing and Enjoyable Holiday Season.

Chara uses her sense of humor and practical experience as a teacher and mother of 3 to help you and your family succeed with real food cooking in her book, Adventures With Kids! In the Kitchen. Whether you are a gourmet cook or just learning, you will find practical ideas and suggestions for how to get your kids cooking, culturing, cleaning and celebrating their time in the kitchen!

This virtual yoga series, Work Hard, Rest Deeply, from Stay-at-Home Yoga has five, full-length classes accessible whenever and wherever you roll out your mat. You will get three months of unlimited access to this series, designed to help you release tension, increase strength and cultivate joy this Holiday Season. (BONUS: Mindful Holiday Bundle Purchasers can also save $20 off an Annual Stay-at-Home Yoga Premium Membership!)

Natural Herbal Living is the perfect step in the right direction for anyone considering using herbs, essential oils, or flower essences in their own life for health and wellness. It discusses how to approach a personal herbal practice with joy and gratitude, the basics of herbalism, and important safety considerations.

Be sure to read more about the Mindful Holidays eBundle — 7 eProducts for only $9.97, delivered right to your inbox. Kickstart your holiday season and add this bundle to your cart!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Benefits of Down Syndrome

Welcome to Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013! I've written a lot in the past about the challenges that can come along with Down syndrome. Today I want to touch upon (perhaps again?) the benefits, however silly, of Down syndrome.

We're not having any more children. This decision has nothing to do with Down syndrome, we just don't want more children. I do love babies, though! You know how people wish kittens would stay kittens or puppies would stay puppies? Well with Down syndrome, growth (and development) happens on a smaller, slower scale. This means that I get to keep my baby a baby longer. Knowing he's my last, I treasure every baby moment and I'm having extras!

I would have nursed Spencer past infancy regardless,
but his smaller size makes it easier to cradle him.

You know how fast kids outgrow their clothes? You hate to spend much money on an outfit because before you know it, they've only worn it a few times and can't anymore. Spencer can wear the same clothes for a lot longer. In fact, I tend to start with big clothes and fold the cuffs, so Spencer has some Winter shirts this year that he wore last year and I'm sure he'll wear next year, too!

November 2012 vs October 2013

This shirt is an 18 month. I had to fold the cuffs twice last year, but have only been folding them once this year. Next year I probably won't have to fold them at all! And that will make 3 years in the same shirt. I might even get 4 years out of it!

Because of the delayed development, and the sheer variety of delays (no two children with Down syndrome experience the same medical problems or developmental delays), you don't get the same "keeping up with the Joneses" attitude. While sometimes it does sting to see another child surpass my son's skills (even though he walked before his friends with DS), there isn't the same competition you might find in other mom communities.

Physical Therapist, Rachel, trying to get Spencer to evenly use both legs.

Watching my son reach his milestones is a much bigger deal than it was with my other children. When you have to work harder for something, when you have to help them work harder for something, it makes the goal a bigger deal. I love all of my kids and I was excited for each of them as they learned to walk, but it was more exciting when Spencer reached that milestone. I guess maybe I'd summarize this one by saying that having a baby with DS is more exciting!

This was, quite possibly, the hardest day I've had as Spencer's Mommy.
But through supporting him during the hard stuff, I feel a very close bond.

Dealing with the extra medical procedures, I've learned that I'm stronger than I ever knew. I was so scared in the beginning and had to have moral support at every appointment. (That is okay, too. Get what you need.)

Nearly two years into this journey, I think I'm beginning to understand why so many mothers (of children with Down syndrome) say they wouldn't change a thing!

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. The Buddy Walk is behind us. This is my last Friday post for Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I hope you've learned something and enjoyed peeking into our lives.

Please visit my Facebook page for daily tidbits about Down syndrome during Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do you love Halloween?

When I was first offered a Ghost-a-House kit for review, I thought it sounded fun... sure! Then it arrived and looked exactly as shown online. (That is always a good sign, right?) But then I worried... how in the heck do I do a review of a product that I have to pass along to other people?! I worried whether the person I "ghosted" would follow through and about having enough friends in common to do this thing. I finally decided to "ghost" friends from one of my mom groups. (I won't say which one, so they will still be surprised. If the photo below doesn't give it away, that is.)

Sasha "helped" me assemble our ghost yesterday. It was pretty fun to put together! Daddy helped me name our ghost (Bradley Boo). Then I decided I really had to get out there immediately! No more procrastinating. I don't usually go out after dark, but the head of the ghost blinks. You gotta do it after dark! I was getting giddy at the idea of it! As soon as Sasha was in bed, I grabbed Spencer and headed out the door (leaving my teen and Daddy home, too - no worries).

I could not stop grinning the entire drive! I absolutely got an adrenaline rush as I headed to my friend's house! Its like doing something sneaky... in the dark... but kind! How crazy! This was so much more fun than I even thought it would be!

Photo Credit: Kalyn of A Surprising Joy

I had made sure her husband wasn't away on business, as I didn't want to scare anyone by knocking on their door after dark, unannounced. I parked my van, dimmed my lights and snuck up to the well-lit porch. I really wanted to hang Bradley in a spot you could see from the door, but was also trying to be quick. I wound up hanging him on the handle, just like they show in the packaging. I knocked ever-so-gently, so as not to risk disturbing any little ones that might be working on bedtime. And then... I sprinted back to my van! It was hilarious!

But no one opened the door. I texted my friend, "Psst. Was that a knock at your door?" This still makes me laugh! Her husband had looked out the door, but not seen anyone! I advised they should open the door and check. Meanwhile, I had backed up one house down the road and had my lights all turned off, stalker-style. I wanted to make sure that they didn't get the ghost but miss the goodie bag or whatever. Maybe I fret too much. She didn't miss a thing!

Knowing my friend (and her husband) were fans of Halloween, they were a perfect choice for our first haunting! I prefer the term haunting, but can see why the company chose a less frightening term. This is a very family-friendly activity. I love the idea of having invitation delivery be your ghost's mission. (You get to define your mission.) I just offered a bag of candy plus the door tags included. The kit provides a booklet where you can write in the list of people to haunt. My friend is looking forward to doing her own ghosting tonight!

But wait, I spend this money and then don't get to keep anything? Actually, the booklet asks the last person ghosted to please return the ghost, bag and tracking tag to the original ghoster! This would be especially convenient if the game involved invitations, then the kit could be returned at the party. You can print new lists online, so you could absolutely reuse the kit again each year!

Orange house is me.
White ghosts are people on my list not "ghosted" yet.
The orange-ish ghost is my first victim.

Oh! And did I forget?! This comes from a company that makes GPS units! This is a geocaching-related product. So when your friends get online and track where the ghost has been, you get an email notice that they have the ghost - complete with map!

You get:
  • Kit to make your ghost with...
  • LED lantern kit for head
  • Heavy Duty Goodie Bag
  • Registration Tag
  • Mission Sheet
  • Instructions
  • 12 Door Hangers
This product is actually ON SALE right now through the website! You can purchase your own kit for $16.95. You can also find one locally.

Disclosure: I received Ghost-a-House for review, free of charge.
I only seek out products that I believe will be of interest to my readers.
If I don't like a product, I won't be recommending it to you.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby's First Haircut

Welcome to Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013! People with Down syndrome are more alike (compared to typical people) than different. Today I'm sharing a very "normal" milestone we all go through... Baby's First Haircut.

I had some trouble figuring out why, but I had a lot of emotions tied up in Spencer's hair. As time went on, I think I figured it out. Spencer is my only boy child. Yes, boys are "supposed to have short hair." Pfft. Only every time someone in public would ask "her" name or how old "she" was, it really bothered my husband. He even threatened offered to buzz cut Spencer's hair. The horror!

I kept telling him I wasn't ready. I think I just wasn't ready for Spencer to stop looking so much like a baby and start looking like a little kid. As long as his hair hadn't been cut, he still looked baby to me. Spencer is my last child and with the smaller size and delayed development, I've gotten to have him as a baby for longer than typical babies. I've enjoyed it and see it as a bonus of Down syndrome!

Then one day last week, it just hit me. I was suddenly and inexplicably just okay with him getting his hair cut. I still didn't start making plans or an appointment, but I felt ready. Then yesterday morning we went to a thrift store and I happened to notice there was a Pro*Cuts in the same shopping strip. Pro*Cuts offers free "Baby's First Haircuts," complete with a certificate and lock of hair.

So... in we went. There was only 1 woman working, but she dug out the certificate, baggie for hair, and signed us in! Spencer didn't much care for it, but didn't fuss too much. He even got the trimmer on his neck! I feel like his hair looks a bit butchered, but considering how wiggly he was and how fast she had to move, its not bad.

And now... my baby boy looks more like the little man that he is. I keep getting all teary-eyed as I take in his new look. Every baby mannerism he has looks more like a kid mannerism now. He's growing and learning and developing... just like typical babies...

More alike than different.

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. We're revving up for this year's Buddy Walk. This will be our 3rd year to participate and we're hoping to raise $1,000 for the organization this year. Please support Spencer's Sidewinders with a donation and/or come walk with us!

Please visit my Facebook page for daily tidbits about Down syndrome during Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mamatography 2013 - Week 41

Day 279 - October 6

We took Sasha to see Krispy Kremes being made and then went Geocaching.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Shared Hobbies

Welcome to the October edition of the Simply Living Blog Carnival - Enjoyment cohosted by Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children, Laura at Authentic Parenting, Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy, and Joella at Fine and Fair. This month, we write about what brings joy to our lives. Please check out the links to posts by our other participants at the end of this post.

Hobbies seem to come and go. New things are always exciting, but can get less interesting with time. Shiny things get dusty, as it were. When I had my oldest, I found that I was spending zero time on myself. My father-in-law gave me cash for Christmas and insisted I not spend it on bills. He told me to spend it on myself. I'd been wanting to take up candy making, so that is where every cent went! I got some chocolate molds and melt-its, etc. I had a blast painting chocolates and making different shaped goodies to share. I made candies for some baby showers. It was just so nice to focus on something just for the fun of it! I have since passed along every bit of that equipment.

My ex-husband took up photography and had a very nice camera. Our wife joined him. I felt kind of left out and it looked like a nice hobby. A friend mailed me a nice camera to borrow and loved my photograph so much that she let me keep the camera! We even did a lot of photography-themed date nights. I got really into macro photography, which got me into the garden where I found spiders. Jumping spiders are so cool and cute! That somehow lead to my fascination with tarantulas and I became a "tarantula keeper." At the height of my collection (shared with my new husband), we had 20 tarantulas!

After having Sasha, I stayed up (usually breastfeeding) at night and read blogs, especially Hobo Mama. I originally created this blog mostly so I would have an icon when I commented there! But it took off and I really enjoy writing here. I even created a blog about our tarantulas! Alas, we have since moved into a space where we're not allowed to keep spiders. Most were sold to a breeder, but a friend is keeping a couple specimens for us.

I've wanted to take up geocaching for three years! I already wrote about this new hobby, but I will update to say that I'm still enjoying it. We go out every Sunday, as a family, and "Treasure Hunt." I also try to find at least one geocache every day.

I think the thing I love most about geocaching is sharing it with my family. There is a sense of accomplishment when I find a cache, but I especially love the time we're spending together (outside, away from home).

Do you have hobbies or other things you love? Tell me what you enjoy doing!

Thank you for visiting the Simply Living Blog Carnival cohosted by Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children, Laura at Authentic Parenting, Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy, and Joella at Fine and Fair. Read about how others are make their lives joyful. We hope you will join us next month!

  • No, She Doesn't Sleep Through the Night - And It's Not So Bad! - This post on Partners in Kind is about our family sleep habits, how we tried CIO, and how our family learned to let go of the 'standard' in order to enjoy a good nights rest for all of us.
  • Don't Do Anything That Isn't Play - Momma Bee at Raising a Revolution is inspired by Marshall Rosenberg's (nonviolent communication) advice "don't do anything that isn't pay" to find the enjoyment in doing even the most mundane and disliked tasks.
  • Shared Hobbies - Jorje of Momma Jorje shares her progression of hobbies, since hobbies can wax and wane. She also explains why sharing a hobby makes it the best.
  • The Joy - Relaxation Relation - At Authentic Parenting, Laura discovered how much enjoyment is related to relaxation.
  • Finding and Defining Enjoyment - Anneli at Mamman i det gula huset shares what she enjoys, her thoughts on how she has found truly enjoyment through self-reflection and how to find enjoyment in every day tasks.
  • Simply Enjoying Life - Mandy tries to focus on enjoying life at Living Peacefully with Children by cutting out some things and changing her perspective on others.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Buddy Walk 2013

Welcome to Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2013! Today I'd like to tell you about the Buddy Walk. I should be a pro by now, since this is our third year to participate.

The Buddy Walk was created by the National Down Syndrome Society in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month as well as promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. My local Down Syndrome Association (formed in 1979) started doing a Buddy Walk in 2002, with about 500 people attending. In 2011, our local Buddy Walk had over 6000 people in attendance! Of the Buddy Walks arranged / planned by volunteers, our local event was the largest in the country!

Now... what is the walk, really? The events can vary by date and activities in every state and/or city. At OUR event, there has been an area of inflatables for the kids. There were vendor tables from area therapy companies, doctors, etc. Each vendor offered a carnival type game and prizes. One vendor had chalk and the kids got to draw on the basketball court. A local exotic animal rescue brings animals out for display. McDonald's gave away free burgers and nuggets. There was a booth giving away free Disney books / book sets! Last year it was a super hero pop up book!

Sasha & Krystal on Inflatable Slide @ Buddy Walk 2011Sasha & Krystal on Inflatable Slide @ Buddy Walk 2011

The Buddy Walk goes on for 3½ hours. An hour before it ends, the walk begins. Last year it was about half a mile, walked parade style. The walk is lined with signs from more sponsors as well as mascots and cheerleaders. Most teams carry flags, some have matching shirts. Toward the end of the walk, Olympic-style medals are given to all participants.

Spencer's Spiders - Buddy Walk 2011
Spencer's Spiders
(immediately after the 2011 walk)

This event is entirely FREE. For everyone. Registration is encouraged, but not required. Registration gets you a goodie bag and t-shirt. Registration this year is $10 per person, but is always free for people with Down syndrome.

We use the event to raise money for our local association and some for the national organization to fund programs that promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. I feel like it is a worthy cause. I suppose that is easy to say, as the mother of a son with DS.

Spencer's Sidewinders - Buddy Walk 2012
Spencer's Sidewinders
(immediately after the 2012 walk)

If you can spare even just a few dollars, every little bit helps. Please click over to our page to learn more and to donate. You can also click the image to the left to get to our page.

Spencer's Sidewinders - Buddy Walk 2012Spencer's Spiders
(immediately after the 2011 walk)

Our 2013 Buddy Walk is next weekend! We're a long way from our goals (for team members and for donations).

If you can spare even just a few dollars, every little bit helps. Please click over to our page to learn more and to donate. You can also click the image to the left to get to our page.

Have you ever participated in a walk (or run) for a cause?

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