When you reach your hands out to Sasha, she reacts in a way that fairly clearly communicates that she wants you to pick her up or take her from the person holding her. If she doesn't, she just doesn't react at all. She has a new way, though, of communicating without you offering first. Last night while we were sitting in the floor playing, she reached out to take my right hand. She pulled it to her and left it in her lap. Then she reached out to take my left hand and did the same. I got the distinct impression that she was trying to get my to take her... in my hands. Am I crazy? I thought it was adorable, of course!

Sasha doesn't give kisses very often. It seems that lately when you do kiss her, she immediately lowers her face. This kind of makes her forehead bump into you. Then very recently I noticed that she will lean forward. She presses her forehead to mine and then pulls back again. It seems... like affection. It is like "forehead love." Goofy term, I know. I mentioned it to Daddy and he confirmed, he does this with her all the time. He taught it to her! Then it made sense and I've noticed it more since then. He will lay in the floor facing her and press his forehead to hers. They pause there. It is such a sweet little display of affection. And while this still leaves two humans breathing on each others faces, it seems less germ-sharing than actual kisses. Either way, she seems to have chosen this display of affection over kisses for the most part.