Day 244 - September 1
Spencer's first haircut, I trimmed his bangs using the "twist and cut" method.
Then I put shoes on him for the first time ever! He wasn't sure what to think.
Fitting, since today's WW theme on NPN is Shoes.
Day 245 - September 2
Spencer with "Doula Jenni"
I swear, half the reason we attended the
Improving Birth Rally was to visit our birth team!
Day 246 - September 3
A secondary hobby we've picked up is photographing Vanity Plates that
we see out & about ourselves. I'm collecting them in an album on Facebook.
Day 247 - September 4
I had no idea that this park had added an herb garden!
If it weren't for geocaching, I probably never would have known.
Day 248 - September 5
Oklahoma Lighthouse #5
I hunt at least one cache per day. This was a Virtual Cache.
Day 249 - September 6
"Uncle" Brandon stopped by right after work and
stayed long enough for 1 quick round of Candy Land.
Day 250 - September 7
I got Spencer's high chair strapped to a chair, so we've been eating at the table more...
I find I'm more inspired to serve square meals (including veggies!) this way.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!