Day 306 - Sunday - November 2
He rolled / climbed down off the couch in his sleep... to sleep on the floor.
Day 307 - Monday - November 3
... and toes! He loves this song.
Day 308 - Tuesday - November 4
So glad I got this pic, Sasha was upset she didn't get to ride in the wagon.
She was just too doped to recall. Dental Surgery. Let's not do that some more.
Day 309 - Wednesday - November 5
My beautiful princess, out on a cool afternoon,
barefoot and wearing a warm, floor length gown.
Day 310 - Thursday - November 6
The fox costumes continue to be a big hit!
Day 311 - Friday - November 7
Creepy? Terrifying? or a bit of both?
I got her out as soon as I snapped the pic! She was not in distress.
Day 312 - Saturday - November 8
Sasha is loving our participation in Dinovember!
Saturday morning, we found our dinos watching Harry and his Bucket of Dinosaurs.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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