Day 313 - Sunday - November 9
Found our dinosaurs using the bathroom sink as their personal wading pool.
Day 314 - Monday - November 10
This little genius figured out he could dig out a piece of "coal"
from the fire pit and use it to draw on the burn barrel.
Day 315 - Tuesday - November 11
This hen from my neighbor's pen has decided to live among our chickens.
She is warming up to me.
Day 316 - Wednesday - November 12
Yes, this is our ancient fuse box.
My electrician brother says this system is actually great!
Day 317 - Thursday - November 13
Ronni's boyfriend loaned him the tablet while his phone is getting fixed.
Day 318 - Friday - November 14
Spencer is Hyper Flexible. This is a common sight in our home.
Day 319 - Saturday - November 15
Yep, I'm still doing this thing.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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