Day 153 - June 2
Sasha and Spencer Napping Together
I moved my garden this day, but this photo is a much more rare shot!
Day 154 - June 3
Sasha and Spencer Under the Table
The littles play together quite a bit more these days!
Day 155 - June 4
Monday I discovered Spencer had an ear infection,
Tuesday (today) I found it in the other ear, too.
He'd previously never had one.
Day 156 - June 5
Spencer had his first Occupational Therapy appointment.
In the evening, I took the kids and ALL of our sidewalk chalk out to the driveway.
We had tons of kids stop by to draw!
Day 157 - June 6
I'm planning a big event for Stay at Home Moms and I was working on flyers for it!
Day 158 - June 7
Momentous occasion! Sasha's first time to use scissors!
Earlier in the evening, we took a walk and Sasha hugged every tree!
Day 159 - June 8
Kalyn & Spencer, and little Mr... ______
I hosted our local "babies with Down syndrome" play date for June
and it was SO nice to hang out in this group again!

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!