Friday, January 19, 2024

Sleep / Wake Routine for 2023

I know I haven't posted with any regularity in several years. But I've been processing through writing quite a bit this week and thinking I might start again. It won't be about babies, my babies are tween / teen (and adult) now. For the things going on lately, I need to explain our current routine / sleep schedule.

Spencer, asleep in a hotel, November 2023Spencer, asleep in a hotel, November 2023
Road Trip to Amarillo with Mom

Sapphire (previously known as Sasha) and I are night owls. I often do my work at night when the house is quiet. Other nights I just suck at making myself go to bed. I also won't go to bed until she is tucked into bed, too.

Spencer, however, is a morning person. He wakes up sometimes as early as 5:30. For the last year, we've had a great routine. He wakes up and calls out for me. (He is gated into his room with a tall baby gate.) I get his morning drink and meds and deliver them to him, along with his tablet and the remote for his TV. Then I go back to bed! An hour or two later, he is ready to go potty (he is old enough that he can't go first thing in the morning anymore) and be released into the wild (the rest of the house). I do that and then I go back for a little more rest. Then I either get up on my own (alarm or just when I'm done) or he comes to wake me up. Meanwhile, Sapphire gets up and grabs her phone so she can poke it and wake up at her own pace.

This has been the best sleep arrangement I think we have ever had in all his 12 years! He still tends to wake up about 20 minutes after I get to my bed most nights. I usually go give him a drink of water (which stays in his room overnight), tuck him back into bed and restart his lullabies. But I've been getting more rest than I have in over a decade!

All this will be important information for the upcoming posts. Which I'll link back to this.
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