Day 111 - April 21
I can not recall what these are called, but basically its composting planting pots! I've put leaves (instructions said sticks) topped with kitchen scraps and then added my mix of potting soil, top soil and humus. These 4 pots are for flowers on the front porch.
EDIT: They're called Hugelpots, short for Hugelkultur.
Day 112 - April 22
I took Spencer to meet the lead cardiologist, the man that would be doing the heart cath and ASD repair the following day. These are the device options they have available for repairing the hole. Spencer got one like the one on the right.
Day 113 - April 23
Spencer, waking just enough to bat at his favorite toy.
Day 114 - April 24
Waiting to go home the day after the procedure! They put him in a double layer of disposable diapers to keep pressure on the puncture site (from the procedure). He had to wear them for 24 hours, but we still rocked the EC.
Day 115 - April 25
We love our silly girl!
Day 116 - April 26
He doesn't look very happy here, but he was just
lying in the floor chattering away and playing.
Day 117 - April 27
Eight more pots, prepared for transplanting food plants!
I did them the same way, with compost stuff layered inside.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
Without further ado, here are the Mama/Papatography 2013 participants!
- Diary of a First Child
- Earth Mamas World
- Baking Momma of Two
- Emma's Little World
- Quacks and Waddles
- Three Counties Mum
- Seaside Chelle
- gentlemum
- The Cutie and The Beauty
- Charming Gardener
- Pineapples & Artichokes
- Jessica's Casserole
- Dad of The Monkeys
- Momma Jorje
- A Nature Mom
- Mommy and Little I
- too tired to blog
- The Family Patch
- The Princess Poet's Life Adventures
- harley famdamily
- Mama Unfurling
- the mommy metamorphosis
- Mothers Know Best
- Quest For Life's Passion
- Frugal Brit Witch
- Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work