Day 166 - Sunday - June 15
Our Roses of Sharon are actually blooming!
Day 167 - Monday - June 16
I've been dreading this transition and even cried
the day our Occupational Therapist told me the news.
Our OT left the company, so we have to get used to someone new...
This was our last visit with Jill.
Day 168 - Tuesday - June 17
I started clearing the front beds, at my husband's request.
Day 169 - Wednesday - June 18
I got a fresh tattoo! Its a Medic Bracelet.
The other side lists my blood type and drug allergies.
See more tattoos at the Wordless Wednesday on Natural Parents Network this week!
Day 170- Thursday - June 19
This has been put up for a while. He has been LOVING having it again!
Day 171 - Friday - June 20
He loves to go outside and sometimes gets upset if anyone goes out without him.
Day 172 - Saturday - June 21
I had to pinch my first peppers off because the plant was too young... so sad.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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