Day 257 - Sunday - September 14
While out geocaching, the girls also pretended they were riding horses.
Day 258 - Monday - September 15
Our dentist couldn't get the work done, she didn't want the "pinch" (numbing injection). So, we'll have to go see a different dentist that can give her something stronger. But really... they could have gotten off to a better start by not using mint topical numbing gel. Why wouldn't they choose the bubblegum??
Day 259 - Tuesday - September 16
Spencer driving the truck on the playground at the zoo.
Day 260 - Wednesday - September 17
Spencer playing with our favorite librarian, Marie.
Day 261 - Thursday - September 18
This kid...
Day 262 - Friday - September 19
Sasha's first "real" haircut (meaning someone other than me did the cutting)
Our friend was great, and fast! Sasha needed to go play with her daughter.
Day 263 - Saturday - September 20
Ronni got to have Carnival Epsilon perform at his Sweet 16!

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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