Mamatography now also has a
Facebook page! I hope you're enjoying the project. Feel free to jump in at any time. I've made it through week 3, so I should be good to go, right? Lets hope I have gotten this habit well in hand.
Day 15
 Beautiful January Day
Good swingin' weather! |
 Finally got some old photos and clippings scanned. This project will have to wait while I work on other things, though. |
 Spencer slept most of the day. |
Day 16
 Our first walk since Spencer's birth. |
Day 17
 Sasha had a very late nap.
This definitely effects our bedtime timing. |
Day 18
 We took a family walk at night! Spencer fit into the wrap right under my coat. |
Day 19
 Our doula came to visit us Spencer! |
Day 20
 Family Bed Snapshot |
 Ronni finally got his promised henna,
the night before returning home. |
Day 21
 My friend Joni Rae finally got to come for a visit!
And she brought me quiche! |
 She brought my daughter home to us!
Ronni spent 3 weeks with his new best friend.
Sasha missed him so much! |
 My dad & his wife even dropped by
to bring gifts and meet Spencer! |