Join the
Six Ingredient Challenge hosted by
Hobo Mama and
We're on a six-week path to eat more whole foods, guided by one simple rule:
Buy foods with six ingredients or fewer. And we're blogging about our journey on the way.
This week we're answering the question: How's your budget? What money-saving strategies have you been employing?
You can
see all the responses to this question on March 7 at the link-up post.
To join in the Six Ingredient Challenge anytime during the six weeks,
visit the sign-up page for a list of posts and to link up!
I really like to support local business, so I tend to buy
Griffin's brand whenever I can. We used to buy the big jug of syrup and refill a container. Only... they use
High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sigh. I was really bummed to learn this once I decided to cut HFCS out of our diets.

Have you looked at syrup? Yeah, a lot of it is made with HFCS! However, someone recommended
Log Cabin Syrup. Log Cabin touts, "All of our products are made with no high fructose corn syrup - the only national brand of table syrup to do so!" I snagged up their little jug of all natural syrup and even my husband
loved it! (He is a hard sell on all these changes.) But we go through a
lot of syrup. We eat pancakes or french toast nearly every day! And these little jugs are more than $4 each. I don't actually budget, but I could see this was too much money going to one thing.

And so we tried Log Cabin's Original syrup. It isn't "all natural" (so its cheaper!), but it still doesn't have HFCS. It isn't
as good as I'd like to feed my family, but its still an
improvement over what we've had in the past.
How has eating healthier hit your budget?