Carry Me
Go to any NP/AP forum, board, group, etc. and you're bound to see a discussion on favorite carriers. No single carrier is the answer for all parents. It sucks to go buy a carrier only to find that you and/or your child don't like it. And of course its an expense for a temporary item as it is. Well Carry Me has your solution! It is a Baby Carrier Lending Service! You can rent carriers from them! They even have gift accounts available so that you can give a rental as a baby shower gift!Herbal Galactogogues
I'm having some trouble with my milk supply. I recently gave you a link on how to increase your pumping output. True Confessions of a Real Mommy offers the Le Leche League of Washington Conference 2010: Herbal Galactogogues. I really appreciate the resource!What I Hate About Holland
When you become a parent of a child with Down syndrome, people will tell you about this poem. You'll find it referenced or included with information packs and web sites everywhere. It has become famous and just goes hand-in-hand with Down syndrome.But things are never that simple, are they? I encourage you to go read April's take / response to "Welcome to Holland."

“I’m a Natural Parent – BUT…” Blog Carnival
I do love blog carnivals! They're a great way to "meet" like-minded bloggy parents. Blogs often show only the best of glimpses into a person's home life, though. This carnival aims to bare our faults as well. Join up and share your imperfections, you won't be alone!What to do when your 5-year-old announces he's in love
So your little one tells you they're in love. What would you say if I told you it really is truly love? Wow. Seriously, come check out this article from Today Moms. I was amazed. It also offers some advice about how to handle it. Happy Valentine's Day!Have a great week and enjoy Valentine's Day!